Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the entire world and the
most widely consumed beverage in South Asia. The demand for tea in
Pakistan is very high. With such a high consumer base, the
competition is also very intense.
Table of Contents:
Acknowledgement 3
Mission Statement 4
Vision Statement 4
Objectives 4
Introduction 5
Business Scope 6
External Analysis 7
Product Position In Their Life Cycle 8
Product Life Cycle Stages 9
Competitor’s Analysis 9
Swot Analysis 10
Business Portfolio 12
Market Segmentation By Product 13
Market Positioning 14
Pricing strategy 14
Distribution strategy 15
Promotional strategy 18
Buble tea 20
Executive Summary 21
Macro Environment 24
Marketing Strategy and Objectives 27
Demand Forecasting 27
Target Marketing 28
BCG Matrix 34
SWOT Analysis 36
4P’s 40
Competitors’s Analysis 42
Porter’s Analysis 43