Technical Analysis in Different Sectors Stocks

Today investing in financial securities such as shares, debentures, bonds, and other financial securities are considered to be the most profitable investment avenues when compare to other type of investments. However, these financial securities not only ensures higher return but also bears higher risk. Therefore, the combination of these two characteristics in the financial securities […]

A Study on Budgetary Control System conducted at Hassan Cooperative Milk Producers Societies

One the primary functions of the management is planning. Most of the planning relates to individual situations and individual proposals. However, this has to be supplemented and reinforced by overall periodic planning followed by continuous comparison of the actual performance with the planned performance. Budgetary control has, therefore, become as essential tool of management for […]

A Study of Consumer Perception on Big Bazaar

The word “Retail” originates from a French-Italian word. Retailer-someone who cuts off or sheds a small piece from something. Retailing is the set of activities that markets products or services to final consumers for their own personal or household use. It does this by organizing their availability on a relatively large scale and supplying them […]

A Project Report on National Stock Exchange (NSE)

Money market is a market for debt securities that pay off in the short term usually less than one year, for example the market for 90-days treasury bills. This market encompasses the trading and issuance of short term non equity debt instruments including treasury bills, commercial papers, bankers acceptance, certificates of deposits, etc. In other […]

A Conceptual Analysis of Job Satisfaction conducted at Coffee Day

Human resource is considered to be the most valuable asset in any organization. It is the sum total of inherent abilities, acquired knowledge and skills represented by the talents and aptitudes of the employed persons who comprise executives, superiors and the employees. Human resource should be utilized to the maximum possible extent, to achieve individual […]

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