A Study on Effectiveness of Recruitment Channels

mba hr projectsThe objective of the study is to develop a Recruitment channel, which will be utilized to ensure that GO GO International Pvt. Ltd is able to identify and prepare for filling key organizational positions with qualified candidates, in advance of actual need, and to assist in managing diversity and workforce planning. Another related objective is to have the right people available, at the right place, at the right time in order to ensure smooth ongoing operations. In other words, to develop effective recruitment process which would grow as well as retain talent and maintain leadership continuity· Develop and prepare a pool of talents to meet future business requirements.

Recruiting and retaining employees in the industry is a critical issue. Smart, ambitious, and highly motivated employees are difficult to keep. Attracting and retaining these people is a challenge. Qualified personnel have to be compensated well and require work that develops their skills and matches their personal interests. Since technical employees require challenging and rewarding work, a slightly different plan must be employed to successfully recruit and retain these workers. Some key factors that aid the recruiting of outstanding technical people are salary, benefits, the organization’s reputation, and rewarding work.

The purpose of recruiting is to ensure a sufficient pool of applicants from which the most qualified individual may be selected. Successful recruiting can minimize the employee turnover rate absenteeism, lower productivity.

Indian textile industry can be compared to a pyramid of ice floating in water. “Only one tenth of the pyramid is visible, in the form of large textile mills in the organized sector. The body of the textile pyramid consists of the decentralized power loom and handloom sectors, which account for the bulk of India’s production. The base of the pyramid is the downstream apparel and household textile sectors. The entire pyramid employs about fifteen million (as in 2007, it was estimated 20 million) workers-most of whom work in small firms in the decentralized sector”.

Indeed, the structure of the Indian textile industry is as varied and deep-rooted as is its reform, challenging and daunting Indian textile and clothing industry is the largest foreign exchange earner for the country, and employs over 20 million people, second only to agriculture. India cannot afford to let this industry grow sick. That would be nothing short of a human tragedy. Until the era of globalization liberalization was launched at the opening of the current decade, the domestic market was a protected turf, and a seller’s market.

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