It is said that satisfied employee is a productive employee, any kind of grievance relating to organizational or personal to a greater extent influence on the job. So every organization is giving higher priority to keep their employees with satisfaction by providing several facilities which improves satisfaction and which reduces dissatisfaction.
Job Satisfaction is considered as a key issue by the entrepreneur where efforts are taken and programs are initiated. If an employee is not satisfied with the job there are chances for absenteeism, lob turnover, lower productivity. committing of mistakes, diverting energy for different types of conflicts keeping this thing in view all organizations are trying to identify the areas where satisfaction to be improved to get out of the above dangers
In this connection a survey was conducted on behalf of “Bharathi Associates” to identify the level of satisfaction in terms of strongly agree to strongly disagree on various job related factors. The Indian food industry is estimated to be worth over US $200 billion and according to the confederation of Indian industry (CII) is expected to grow to US $310 billion by 2015. India is one of the world’s major food products but accounts for less then 1.5 percent of international food trade. This indicates vast scope for both investors and exports.
India is the world second largest producer of food next to China, and has the potential of being the biggest with the food and agricultural sector. In this respect, the country is endowed with a large production base for a variety of raw materials covering food crops, commercial crops and fibers due to its varied agro-climatic conditions.
India is world’s largest producer of cereals and milk; second largest producer of rice, wheat sugar, fruits, and vegetables; third in cotton; and seventh largest producer of fish. Also, India has the highest number of plants approved by the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) outside the USA.
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