A Project Report on National Stock Exchange (NSE)

Money market is a market for debt securities that pay off in the short term usually less than one year, for example the market for 90-days treasury bills. This market encompasses the trading and issuance of short term non equity debt instruments including treasury bills, commercial papers, bankers acceptance, certificates of deposits, etc. In other […]

A Project on Inventory Management

The necessity of effective inventory management is being increasingly realized in industrial and non-industrial organization both in India and abroad. This realization has come about because of increasing complexity of the task of managers and administrators. In most organization, the problem of effective inventory control is now viewed as the most critical problem with changes […]

A Study on Derivatives Market in India

Among all the innovations that have flooded the international financial markets, financial derivatives occupy the driver’s seat. These specialized instruments facilitate the shuffling and redistribution of the risks that an investor faces. Thus aids in the process of diversifying one’s portfolio. The volatility in the equity markets over the past years has resulted in greater […]

A Study on Budgetary Control on Milk Dairy

“Shimoga Milk Union Limited” is a cooperative sector undertaking, engaged in the processing of Milk & manufacturing the Milk products, it recently launched three new variants of Nandini Milk. The Shimoga milk union is located in the central part of Karnataka. The corporate office of the union is based at Machenalli, covering three districts of […]

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