Effective Supply Chain Management as a Strategic Advantage

mba projects in marketingTSS was established in 1913 and since then it has been in Sirsi. The products have got their own brand image and also customers. Based on the service provided by TSS to its customers we can know how the organization considers its customers and its products to the customers.

A study Effective supply chain management as a strategic advantage at TSS is undertaken for assessing the supply towards the customers and to understand the expectations of the customers towards arecanut and its products which will in turn help to take appropriate action by the management for removing the loop holes.

To interrogate customer‘s area-sampling system was adopted, since the population is undefined so 50 customers were interrogated to elicit the information, which are analyzed, interpreted and placed under with comments, charts and findings. The idea that customers prefer one product or one service over another is not new.

The ability to identify and measure the elements of such preference decisions with any accuracy and reliability has only recently become available. Most importantly, we have come to realize that high customer satisfaction does not assure continued customer Preference. Satisfaction research over the past fifteen years demonstrates that high satisfaction scores, while a measure of organization performance on a set of important criteria, do not adequately explain the composition of preference formation and therefore often serve as insufficient predictors of sustained preference or what is normally referred to as customer loyalty.

The co-operative society in India has a significant role to play in the economy. Enormous intermediaries are dependant for managing supply chain in the sector, like wholesalers and retailers. Due to this, the sector is engulfed with unhealthy cut throat competition among themselves and because of this its being cumbersome task for the marketers to create awareness about their product, brand and to induce consumers.

The TSS has its business presence across Karnataka and the consumers are scattered among various elements like geographical, religion, age, occupational, economic etc. Management needs to know the supply chain information in order to make sound decisions. Surveys on customer, retailers, and wholesalers can produce favorable or unfavorable result, but brings a number of benefits to management.

A study on supply chain helps to understand the performance of the organization and the behavior of the customers and the merchandisers. The study of supply chain indicates the expectations of the firm. Customer preference helps to understand the loyalty of the customer towards the products. The management finds a possible way to fulfill the expectations of customers and wholesalers and attracts new customers and wholesalers.

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