A Research on Effectiveness of Training and Development Program at T T Minerals

mba hr projectsIndian industry is waking up to the challenges thrown in by market economy. To survive in this highly competitive scenario, managers are being pressurized to improve quality, increase productivity, cut down waste and eliminate inefficiency. The collective efforts of the employer and the employee assume relevance in this context. And this is where human resource management can play crucial role.

Human Resource Management (H.R.M) is management functions that helps manager’s recruit, select, train and develop members for an organization. Obviously, HRM is concerned with the people’s dimension in organization. Since every organization is made up of people, acquiring their services, developing their skills, motivating them to higher levels of performance and ensuring that they continue organizational objectives. This is true regardless of the type of organization –Government, Business, education, health or recreation.

Thus, HRM refers to a set of programmes, functions & activities designed and carried out in order to maximize both employee as well as organizational effectiveness.

Management development is aimed at preparing employees for future jobs with the organization or at solving organization wide problems concerning, Acquiring or sharpening capabilities required performing various tasks and functions associated with their present or expected future roles.

The motive behind this study is to understand and learn the impact of training and development programs on the employees of T .T. Minerals Pvt. Ltd. Hence the study is under taken up to measure effectiveness of Training & Development at Executive and Non- executive level at SSS, Pvt Ltd Bangalore. Training cannot be measured directly but change in attitude and behavior that occurs as a result of Training. So employee assessment should be done after Training session by the management, to know the effectiveness of Training given to the employee.

Questionnaire is used for data collection. A pilot study is done by administering a questionnaire to sample of respondents fond out the validation of the study. After the study company’s manager and the guide was consulted and incorporated the ideas, in the final questionnaire. The questionnaire contains the objective of the study.

Category: HR
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