Technical Analysis on Selected Stocks

mba finance projectsPrices of securities in the stock market fluctuate daily on account of continuous buying and selling. Stock prices move in trends and cycles and are never stable. An investor in the stock market is interested in buying securities at a low price and selling them at a high price so as to get a good return on his investment.

Technical Analysis is a method of evaluating securities by analyzing the statistics generated by market activity, such as fast prices and volume. Technical analysis does not give the intrinsic value of a security, but instead it includes charts and other tools to identify patterns that can suggest future activity. The rationale behind the technical analysis is that the share price behavior repeats itself over time and analysts attempt to derive methods to predict this repetition.

A technical analyst looks at the past share price data to see if he can establish any patterns. He then looks at the current price data to see if any of the established patterns are applicable and if so, extrapolations can be made to predict the future price movements. Although past share prices are the major data used by technical analysts, other statistics such as volume of trading and stock market indices are also utilized to some extent.

Technical analysis studies supply and demand in a market in an attempt to determine what direction or trend will continue in the future. In other words, technical analysis attempts to understand the emotions in the market by studying the market itself as opposed to its components.

Technical Analysis is important to form a view on the likely trend of the overall market, and it is helpful to have some idea of how to go about selecting individual stocks. Naturally, all investors would like their investments to appreciate rapidly in price, but stocks, which may satisfy this wish, tend to accompanied by a substantially greater amount of risk then many investors are normally willing to accept. However, it is important to understand that investors can be very conscious when it comes to stock ownership.

Technical analysis is the use of numerical series generated by market activity, such as price and volume, to predict future price trends. The techniques applied to any market with a comprehensive price history. Primarily, but not exclusively, technical analysis is conducted by studying charts of past price movement. Many different methods and tools are used in technical analysis, but they all rely on the assumption that price patterns and trends exist in markets, and that they can be identified and exploited.

Technical analysis or charting is considered to be as a supplement to Fundamental Analysis of securities. As an approach to investment analysis technical analysis is radically different from fundamental analysis. While the fundamental analysts believe that the market is 90% logical and 10% psychological, the technical analysis assumes that its 90% psychological and 10% logical. Technical analysis can be applied to any market with a comprehensive price history.

The premises of technical analysis were derived from empirical observations of financial markets over hundreds of years. Perhaps the oldest branch of technical analysis is the use of candlestick techniques by Japanese traders at least as early as the 18th century, and still very popular today.

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