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Study on Performance Evaluation of Financial Position

mba finance projectsPerformance evaluation of financial position is very much important to know the wealth and efficiency of the company. Its purpose is to convey the financial aspects of the firm. Evaluation is done through financial statements which includes income statement, balance statement, cash flow statement, fund flow statement.

The various techniques are used to evaluate the performance of financial position. Financial statements are indicators of the segments factors:

1. Profitability
2. Financial soundness

Performance evaluation of financial position, therefore, refers to such a treatment of the information contained in the Income Statements and the Balance Sheet so as to afford full diagnosis of the profitability and financial soundness of the business.

According to the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants , financial statements reflect “A combination of recorded facts , accounting conventions and personal judgments and the judgments and conventions applied affect them materially .“ This implies that data exhibited in the financial statements are affected by recorded facts, accounting conventions and personal judgments.

The Balance sheet shows the financial condition of the business at a particular moment of time while the Income Statements discloses the rules of operation of business over a period of time. However for a better understanding of affairs of the business, it is essential to identify the movement of working capital or cash in and out of the business. This information is available in the statement of changes in financial position of the business. The statements may emphasize any of the following aspects relating to change in financial position of the business.

Performance evaluation of financial position is very much important to know the wealth and efficiency of the company. Its purpose is to convey the financial aspects of the firm. Evaluation is done through financial statements which includes income statement, balance statement, cash flow statement, fund flow statement.

A financial statement is an organized collection of data according to logical and consistent according procedures. Its purpose is to convey an understanding of financial aspects of a business firm. It may show a position at a moment of time as in the case of a balance sheet, or may reveal a series of activities over a given period of time, as in the case of income statement.

The Income statement (also termed as Profit and Loss Account)is generally considered to be the most useful of all financial statements. It explains what has happened to a business as a result of operation between two balance sheet dates .for this purpose it matches the revenues and cost incurred in the process of earning revenues and shows the net profit earned or a loss suffered during a particular period.

It is a statement of financial position of a business at a specified moment of time . it represents all assets owned by the business at a particular moment of time and the claims (or equities )of the owners and outsiders against those assets at that time. It is in a way snapshot of the financial condition of the business at the time.

The term retained earning means the accumulated excess of earning over losses and dividends the balance shown by the income statement is transferred to the balance sheet through this statement, after making necessary appropriations. It is , thus , a connecting link between the balance sheet and the income statement. It is fundamentally a display of things that have caused the beginning-of-the-period retained earning balance to be changed into the one shown in the end-of-the-period retained earnings in the balance sheet. The statement is also termed as profit and loss appropriation account in case of companies.

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