During and after world war-1, the systematic performance appraisal was quite prominent. Credit goes to Walter dill Scott for systematic performance appraisal technique of man to man rating system (or merit rating). It was used for evaluating military officers. Industrial concern also used this system during 1920 and 1940’s for evaluating hourly paid workers.
However with the increase of training and management development programs from 1950’s management started adopting performance appraisal for evaluating technical, skilled, professional and managerial personnel as a part of training and managerial development programs. With this evolutionary process, the term merit rating and been charged into employee appraisal or performance appraisal. This is not mere change in the term but a change in the scope of the activity as the emphasis of merit rating was limited to personnel traits, whereas performance appraisal covers result, accomplishment and performance.
Therefore performance appraisal enables employee to get incentive treatment according to their potential, sincerity and capabilities. They get motivated by which, performance appraisal benefits not only employee but also the management in the form of greater productive efficiency.
India is called the “country of villages” where it covers nearly 70% of its total area. In this relation we can say that Indian economy is base on rural activities and their development. Therefore we have to give prime importance to the rural activities.
A dairy is a place for handling milk and milk products. Technology refers to the application of scientific knowledge for practical purposes. Dairy technology has been defined as that branch of dairy science which deals with the processing of milk and the milk products on an industrial scale. In developed dairying countries such as the USA the year 1850 is seen as the dividing line between farm and factory scale production.
Various factors distribute to this change in these countries such as the concentration of the population in cities where the jobs are plentiful, rapid industrialization, improvement of transportation facilities, development of machines etc., The rural areas are identified for the production, urban areas are for the processing of the milk.
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