Before 1200 A.D., the coffee industry had spread along the red sea to Aden and cargo in Ethiopia. Then coffee was sold through Mediterranean Sea. Most pilgrims had started to cultivate coffee in India about 1600 A.D. Large scale coffee cultivation started in Brazil. In 1729 A.D., it produced 200,000 bags and in 1825 A.D., it was 3 million bags. After 80 years, they started coffee export and reached 4 million bags. Brazil coffee market reached surplus because of uncontrolled production and cultivation of coffee. In past 20 years coffee trade from Africa has grown more rapidly than elsewhere and contributed rapidly to the growing surplus. The Central American countries have increased their share to world coffee exports from about 5% in 1990 A.D to about 14% in 1970. This growth had occurred with mild coffees, which command and favorable. The highest consumption of coffee is recorded in the U.S which had about 450 million consumers and the rest of the world about 2450 million consumers.
Today 25 million people worldwide are provided with direct employment in coffee and considering the farmers and the employment effect of coffee related services at least 100 million people depend in coffee as major source of income.
The world coffee production in 1999-2000 forecast at the rate of a 107.5 million bag and that is 14% above the revised 1998-99 crop and up 3% on the previous record of 1997-98. Brazil’s 1998-99 products are forecasted at the rate of 35.8 million bags and Columbia at the rate of 11.0 million bags. These two countries will account for approximately 44% of the world’s production, which is normally 36-37%. North American producing countries including Central America produces 20% of the world’s coffee production.
In 1990, world production was 93 million bags. Where world’s domestic consumption was 21.5 million bags and world’s exportable production is 71.5 million bags. In 1990 Arabica captures 75.5% of the world production and rest 24.3% followed by Robusta.
Today coffee grown and exported by own to developing countries in the world. It is estimated that in 2002, over 95 million bags of coffee were consumed world wide. Of these, 21.5 million bags were consumed in coffee producing countries themselves while over 73.9 million bags were consumed in importing in 2001, which is followed by countries like German, France, Japan, UAE, and Italy.
Here we have concentrated on coffee, which is considered as a traditional drinks especially in south India. People here start their everyday life with a cup of coffee. Not only in south India but in all parts of the world people are so dependent and addicted to coffee that it acts as a daily schedule to everybody everywhere. But this coffee is not grown in all parts of the world but is grown in very few places with right kind or weather, atmosphere and most important of all, the soil of that region. It is usually grown in hill stations with adequate amount of rainfall and such places, which are high above sea level. Therefore in India, Karnataka is such a place, especially South Karnataka that produces the highest amount of coffee in whole India. Most parts of Karnataka such as Chikmagalur district and many parts in Hassan District, and also Coorg.
So people here feel proud to be citizen of such place where coffee takes its birth. So that being the main reason, I have concentrated on a organization which has its roots spread very vast in coffee industry and is a major player in worlds import/export of coffee and deals in coffee beans curing activities present in Hassan.
Indian coffee industry is defiantly a huge sized industry which plays a very major role in the world market of coffee. India at present is in 8th place in its contribution of coffee and its plantation in the whole world and 1st place being Brazil.
But not all parts of India produces coffee. It is grown mostly in south India and highest part of its growth from the whole India is in Karnataka, that is from districts of Hassan, Chickmagalur and Coorg. Rest is grown in states of Tamilnadu, Andrapradesh, Kerla and other northern parts such as Sikkim and Nagaland.
So as shown in the next table about the quantity of coffee that is produced in the whole India we come to know that the whole output of India is 2.88 lack tones coffee per annul, more than 2 lack tones is grown only in Karnataka and rest in other parts of India as mentioned in the table below. So among 2.06 lack tones of whole Karnataka’s coffee production, ABCTCL has a huge contribution to coffee exports among the many competitors in the same business as mentioned earlier.
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