In this Project report I have made an analysis that what is the Investment Pattern, What is theProspect and How Mutual funds have emerged a better Investment option in India Recent Yearsgiving the Investor Higher returns, Liquidity, Safety against Traditional Investment avenues likeBank-FD, Post office Saving, Investment in Volatile Stock Market Etc.
With the Growth of The Indian economy Due to various economic Factors Including Industrialization, Growth of Infrastructure and service industries, increased Foreign direct investment and foreign Institutional Investment, the Indian Companies have grown to become Global business Giant.
So, the Market Capitalization of the Indian companies has grown which has resulting in a building of a strong capital market. People are also now more willing to invest and are ready totake risk. All this Development has proved to be a good atmosphere for mutual fund investment in India.
Now a day’s Investment is saving has assumed great importance. Mutual fund offers a Wide array of Schemes to suit the Customers Different Investment Objective as per their Financial Position, Risk Taking Capabilities, Age Etc.