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A Study of Potential Market for Videocon Refrigerator with the help of Structured Questionnaire Method for Dealers and Consumers in Aurangabad

mba projects in marketing

The Videocon Group operates through four key sectors. Consumer durables, Thomson CPT, CRT glass, Oil and Gas. Videocon Appliances Ltd. is enjoying a predominant position in terms of sales and consumer satisfaction in many of our consumer products like color television, Washing machines,, Air conditioners, Refrigerators, Microwave ovens and many other home appliances, selling them through a Multi-brand strategy with the largest sales and service network in India. Refrigerator manufacturing is further supported by inhouse compressor manufacturing technology in Bangalore.
The project which was assigned to me was to conduct “the study the potential market of Videocon Refrigerator with the help of structured questionnaire method for dealers and consumers, in Aurangabad.”
The purpose of the conduction of this project is to know the sales pattern from the dealers and to know the market potential from the customer’s view. The area of operation is limited to Aurangabad only. The main tool used to carry out this project is structured questionnaire which is part of the opinion survey method. The questionnaire is designed separately for both consumers and dealers. Structured questionnaire is the effective and efficiently used research instrument. It is commonly used primary data collection tool for research purpose.
 Objective of my research is to conduct the comparative study of refrigerators available in market and accordingly find out the market position of Videocon. To achieve this objective, opinion survey method is used with the help of questionnaire. To analyze the market position is means to observe the sales of the company product, whether it is declining, stationary or growing. Along with this main objective, other secondary objectives are also get fulfilled. 

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